Friday, August 13, 2010


It's been a while since I did a question and answer post so thought it was TIME. Lots of folks what to know what time of day is best for photos. Some of you may know the term "the golden hours" refers to the time of day when the sun is low in the sky (early am or just before sundown). These are usually the best times to get that warm soft light that flatters for portraits. But really, just about any time of day works if you know where to go and how to positon the camera and subject so that they aren't in super bright light. Squinty eyes and harsh light doesn't always work for great shots. Diffused, overcast days create a softer light so a cloudy day is OK for a shoot. With the summer days being longer... it's prime time to get that nice soft light that works best. Fall's golden glow and cooler dryer days will be here soon... a great time to be thinking about holiday photo gifts and holiday family portraits or cards... I'm just sayin!! Kevin and I work very hard to make every photo shoot fun, interesting and worth your time, not matter what time we shoot you. Give us a call! It's TIME!


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